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Have something done: Exercise 2

Saturday, 09 February 2019
A child crying Have something done: the child is crying because she had all her toys TAKEN Designed by Freepik

a) The homeowner had all his possessions ........(steal) in the burglary, but it was all covered by insurance.

b)The child is crying because she had all her toys ........(take) - she wanted to keep playing!

c) The living room in Charlie's new house is an ugly green colour. He will have it ...........(paint) before he moves in.

d)An opticians is a place where you have your eyes .........(check).

e)I got my sleeve ........(trap) in the door as I got out of the car.

f)You will have to get your photo .........(take) for your driver's license.

g) Do you have your nails ........(do) regularly?

h)Shall we get a new security system .........(install)?